Tuesday, April 7, 2009

TechPlay things 11-15

Time to finally catch up on my blog-
thing 11- I must admit I finally found one of these things to be fun for me. Of course we all think we are literary critics, so it's so fun to put in our two cents worth. This feature I would probably use when I find a book I really like.

thing 12 - I don't think I would use this site, just too much work. I don't really access a lot of different web sites so I don't think it would be useful to me.

thing 13 - I don't really maintain a home library anymore- that's what public libraries are for! The books I do keep are really just for reference. This really looks like a site that someone with way too much time on their hands would use.

thing 14 - OMG! If I was a teenager sitting at my computer for hours, and had an aversion to the telephone, I would use this. For me though, not interested.

thing 15 - yahoo, almost done! I've been hearing about Twitter on TV, almost daily lately. I don't know any one who uses it, I know I wouldn't want to post anything myself. I'm sorry, but I don't feel my life is all that interesting, and I'm not really interested in anyones stream of consciousness.

In summary, I'm glad we did the TechPlay activities, I have now at least an understanding of the technologies & options available.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Things 8, 9, 10

RE: things 8, 9, & 10. Sorry for getting behind on my blog postings. Thing 8- I didn't really get the point of this. Are there not easier ways to stay in touch- like the phone? This is not something I would use. Thing 9- Okay, this one was cool. I would probably use this site when I had the time. Thing 10- I was not at all impressed with this site. I think posting photos to our flickr site would be pretty much useless. How many people are going to search for us? Again, something I can't see myself using in my personal life.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Thing 7 could be helpful in my life- if I didn't procrastinate so much! A list is something I generally can ignore.

Friday, January 9, 2009

At last, thing 5 & 6 have finally been completed. Sorry, but I am not a big fan of either of these exercises. I really don't have the inclination or patience to search for areas of interest or websites I might like. One of my kids is always trying to get me to watch things on utube but I just don't want to spend my time with this. Neither the audiobooks or podcasts are something I would use my personal life.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Re tech play #5 downloadable audiobooks - I've attempted this several times now, I'm sure you're aware of the problems. On to #6.....

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Re week #4- wikis, I did prefer this as a group editing tool as opposed to Goggle docs.

Friday, December 12, 2008

I just finished week #3 of techplay, easy to use but not something I will use in my personal life.